Tuesday, January 10, 2006

I wait in peace...

The morning breaks,
And warm and bright
The earth lies still
In the golden light--
For Dawn has scattered the clouds of night.

God's handiwork
Is seen around,
Things great and small
To His praise abound--
Where are the signs of His love not found?

All things must pass,
But God shall still
With steadfast power
His will fulfil--
Sure and unshaken is His will.

His saving grace
Will never fail,
Though grief and fear
The heart assail--
O'er life's wild seas He will prevail.

Joy shall be ours
In that garden blest,
Where after storm
We find our rest--
I wait in peace--God's time is best.


"Shall I begin at the verse that grandmother
says gives her a feeling of hope and confidence?"

The doctor nodded his assent, and Heidi began,--

Let not your heart be troubled
Nor fear your soul dismay,
There is a wise Defender
And He will be your stay.
Where you have failed, He conquers,
See, how the foeman flies!
And all your tribulation
Is turned to glad surprise.

If for a while it seemeth
His mercy is withdrawn,
That He no longer careth
For His wandering child forlorn,
Doubt not His great compassion,
His love can never tire,
To those who wait in patience
He gives their heart's desire.


All things will work for good
To those who trust in Me;
I come with healing on my wings,
To save and set thee free...


Jammy said...

"O'er life's wild seas He will prevail"
Does this mean that people's belief in Him will prevail, or he'll help people prevail over their grief and fear?

Sudarshan. A. G. said...

Amazing poem... and an apt extract!

aNngaKarma said...

Hi heidi,
Your posts are intresting. Can you add a preface for your poems by narrating the drive of your creat!!

Ramji said...

I can understand the meanings very well without reading the whole poems.....and I agree with you, when I say "keep the faith, keep at it, victory shall come"

Heidi Kris said...

it means "He wont let us down, if we trust him, though he may test our patience.. he knows whats best for us :)"

@a.g.s - Thanks

@vats - u know it better :)

@ramji - :) thanks