Saturday, December 04, 2004

Lucky Few

Gift of God

Drops of rain, petals of flowers
Colors of butterfly, cries of babies
Grains of crops, chirps of birds
Are the best gifts of God.

Life of a man, life of a fish
Life of a bird, life of an insect
Life of a monster, The life of Earth
Are the excellent creations of God.

Why? Why? Why?
blessing with so many gifts
He curses us by floods, storms,
death and starvation.

Why when some are served
with silver spoon
others are ditched into bins?
Why when riches are gifted with money
poor are deprived of their penny?
Why when one section is provided
with the richest of food
the others are starving with out any good?
Does it not seem to be showing partiality??
If not He let us share His gifts
with all of our people around us, all around Us!

======= Srinidhi kris

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