Ah! Relationships doesn't necessarily mean that between an eligible bachelor and an eligible girl. Relationship that i want dissect is between just two hearts. Hearts of two people be it boy-boy or boy-girl or mom-child or brother-sister or a stranger and stranger.
The test of relationship is only the "Time". Most of us get attached to someone if we speak to them a lot, not necessarily they should be related to us. Just the constant touch with the other person would create a bonding and a longing for the other person, which would eventually develop as care and concern. A relationship which doesn't expect anything from the other person except their time. And too much of intimacy would definitely cause problem. Familiarity breeds contempt holds good always! We like a person and accept them for who they are only till they don't become related to us in anyway. Once a person tries to become a part of our life, we tend to start expecting things from them, which we did not all this while. Also even their slightest behaviour which was their character would seem weird, if they are our own people. Weird!!
At the same time how much ever close and intimate would have they been, if two people grow apart and be out of touch for a while, their intimacy would start chiseling away. No two person are dependant on each other, yes we might miss the other person for a while, but then we keep moving on with life. Life and relationships are like rolling stones. We don't sit and brood over a person, if we do then we become a loser.
Well, love or hatred, its on how close yet detached we are with the other soul. There is no one permanent in this world for us. Only our own self would come with us till we go with the mud. So nothing else other than self love would give us happiness!
Not always does self love gives us happiness either. When you get into a relationship that is really intimate and special, that between a man and his wife, we tend to live for the other person. Their happiness and sorrows bother us much than that of ourselves. This is one of that kind, where both the man and his wife, feel for the other and so the distance between them, really doesnt matter much. Miles apart they can be, eyes neednt have met each other yet, but there flows a wave that always keep them bound. The waves of their thoughts and the longing for the other person.:-)
P.S. Raise in love to feel the difference :0)