They are called blessed who fall asleep as soon as they go to bed. Is this really a boon or a burden? Boon because it gives us happiness, but a burden because we tend to become more lazy and become addicted to it and finally become a loser in life.
Every person is addicted to something or the other. When we call a person "bad" if he is addicted to alcohol, then what do we call a person who is addicted to sleep? Sleep is a way of escapism. It’s a device to live happily in the fantasy world and to avoid interaction with the real world. The fantasy world treats him as a winner, he achieves everything he wants to achieve. When what ever we do in the real world gives us a feeling of failure, then one tends to escape from the fear of failure and falls asleep.
Not sure if it is good or bad, but when it keeps a person happy, then Sleep is the best medicine. Having said all this, my favorite quote still remains this "Dream, but as you dream, remember you alone can make your dreams come true!"