In continuation of the first philosophical post “Not too tight and not too loose, but just right”, guess this would open our eyes and show us a path to wisdom.
"Yathaa Dristhti, Tathaa Srishti": As our vision, so the World appears to us. For example, when we like a person, we only see the good in them but when we don’t like a person nothing they do pleases us.
"Satvic": It is a ‘holistic Vision’ which enables us to see the role of various parts and aspects as within the realm of the totality. This helps us give each aspect of life its due importance. For instance, if we want to be happy, we must be aware that a healthy mind is as important as a healthy body. This vision enables us to see unity in diversity, such as “All Indians are my brothers and sisters” or “The whole world is my family”. This vision enables man to appreciate the common cause behind various effects.
Take the example of a doctor who diagnoses the cause of a disease while examining the symptoms, or a scientist who discovers the cause behind a chemical reaction. When man is able to see the essential commonness even while perceiving and responding to the differences in the creation, he learns to identify with other and loves and serves all selflessly.
This idea becomes clear with a few examples. Seeing the common factor ‘I’ in all parts of the body, I love each part equally and serve my entire body spontaneously. Lokmanya Tilak, the great freedom fighter, on receiving news of his wife’s death, while at prison, was able to say, ‘ Presently, I have no time for personal sorrow. My country’s sorrow is my sorrow’, because he identified with the entire nation. Saints realize the truth that “the ‘self’ (divinity) in me is the ‘self’ (divinity) in all”, and therefore love all as themselves. For example, Shri. Ramakrishna Paramahamsa viewed even a prostitute as the Divine mother and prostrated at her feet.
"Rajasic": It is a ‘partial vision’ wherein certain parts or effects are given undue importance. In addition, the whole or totality is mistaken for the part.
For example:
- Becoming a doctor or pursuing a particular profession is the goal of one’s life.
- Comforts are more important than relationships
- It is enough to be religious once in a while
- It is more important to look good than to be good.
Rajasic vision gives importance and reality only to the differences, thereby creating divisions within the family, society and county. For instance, the British vision was ‘divide and rule’ which caused the partition of India, Satvic vision makes us share and care whereas rajasic vision as in previous example, separates - breaks up and categorizes people and things based on ‘me’ and ‘mine’ versus ‘you’ and ‘yours’ -- marriages and join families have broken due to rajasic vision. With such a vision, one becomes petty and quarrelsome and his or her mind remains engrossed only in certain aspects of life causing a lopsided development and growth, both within and without
"Tamasic": Such a vision makes man mistake the ‘part’ to be the whole or totality, the effect to be the cause and the means to be the goals. This is more because of insensitivity and ignorance than out of self-centeredness as is the case with rajasic vision, such a person’s mind is unable to conceive the whole, and thus he or she becomes narrow–minded, illogical, unreasonable and fanatic about beliefs. For example, a tamasic vision gives rise to statements like “My God alone saves”, “There is no God”, “Money is God” or “Money is everything in life “. Or, one in love says, “You are my life, without you, I’m nothing “ Such people cannot unfold or progress in life as their minds are closed to new ideas and creative or progressive thought.
Thursday, May 12, 2005
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"A Healthy mind is as important as a healthy body"
Sri i guess a healthy mind contibutes and is absolutely essential for a healthy body. Most diseases are triggered from the mind and its the state of the subconcious.
Thanks Pilot :)
@ Aks, yup, at times if we are mentally upset, we tend to fall sick and our entire routine gets affected. Our decisions and actions depends on our state of mind. IMHO even when at times we tend to take decisions emotionally if we are happy and have a healthy mind, our emotional decisions are reasonable and almost correct.
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